Posts Tagged ‘ramshackle games’

Driller Killer

December 18, 2012

DSC03628-001This beast of a machine was bought over a year ago as a secret weapon for VBCW, so wishing to keep it a well guarded secret I undercoated it and tucked it behind something on a shelf so no one would know about it until it appeared on the gaming table. During a inreasingly rare fit of tidying I recently found it and set about doing it justice, half from shamefully having forgotten about it and three-quarters from it being an impressive model.

DSC03627-001This is a Ramshackle Games piece, who on their website rather unenthusiastically call this a Boring Machine. It has a distinctive VSF feel to it, rather than looking practical it suggests it would drill into the earth up to the hull and then briefly halt before the sharp ends locks solid and the body spins furiously around shaking the passengers to death. This makes it perfect for Very British Civil War.


I’m reasonably happy with the paintjob, although I do think it now needs a red band around it with a large “DANGER” decal. The secret is out now of course, so the idea of the ground trembling during a game is likely to bring forth realistic expectations, but at least it means it’s about to hit the table and no longer sit on a shelf.


Thanet Thrasher

October 19, 2011

There’s no certainty as to whether this vehicle for VBCW is a monster truck too far or not, as us loyal bunch of VBCW gamers do seem to have a unique strange arms race of our very British own. It’s one of the Slug Industries “Fred” vehicles, with some tracks from Ramshackle Games, plus the front off a steam roller which was just too damned small for 28mm. It’s early days with this yet, and I’m not sure it’ll be completed in time for the Very British Big Demo Game at Legion at the end of the month. What do you think?